Letters to the Editor, Feb. 6, 2024

Marco Eagle
Editorial cartoon

Folley for State House District 81

I write this letter in support of Greg Folley's candidacy for the State House District 81 seat with enthusiasm. Having served alongside Greg on the Marco Island City Council, I can attest to his unwavering commitment and effective leadership.

Greg's actions consistently align with his words, proving reliability and providing a sense of trustworthiness. His steadfast dedication to conservative values, profound understanding of crucial issues, and genuine passion for our nation, our community and its citizens set him apart.

In a political landscape often marked by discord, Greg stands out for how he turns his passion into constructive action. His approach has a refreshing absence of acrimony, reflecting a genuine commitment to bettering our community and country.

Greg is a champion for individual freedoms, limited government, the rule of law, free markets, and human dignity. Importantly, he maintains a firm grip on fiscal responsibility, ensuring a balanced and responsible approach to governance.

I wholeheartedly endorse Greg Folley's candidacy and encourage others to join me in supporting him. His proven track record and dedication make him the ideal candidate to represent State House District 81.Claire Babrowski, former Marco Island city councilor

‘We’re talking about a flag and a song'

I attended the Eliot Kleinberg presentation about WWII in Florida at the Marco Historical Museum. A full house heard of the significant role the US Merchant Marine played, and the sinking of Merchant vessels at an alarming rate off Florida along with the loss of life of U.S. Merchant Mariners. (U.S. Merchant Mariners in WWII died at the rate of one in 26 which is the highest rate of casualties in any of the services).

He spoke of the vessels sunk right offshore of Marco Island. In Kleinberg’s book, he references beach rescuers describing mariners being so “burned and swollen we could not even tell what they looked like. On good nights, survivors came ashore. On bad nights, far less washed up.”

I spoke to a number of attendees afterwards. They were appalled to hear that these U.S .Merchant Mariners are excluded from recognition on Marco Island and stumped as to why the American Legion, who puts on the Memorial and Veterans Day events, can’t add one flag to the Color Guard and play one additional service song. I reminded them that the WWII US Merchant Mariners were bestowed Veterans status in 1988 by our Government with all the rights, privileges, benefits and recognition of the other Services.  

Many people are perplexed as to why the American Legion refuses to recognize these heroes that fought for our freedom. Tell the American Legion to do the right thing at     

marcoump@aol.com, and copy Marco council at council@marcocitycouncil.com.

We’re talking about a flag and a song, both of which have been provided to the American Legion for free.

Captain Ralph Rohena, Marco Island

Celebrate your independence

Celebrate National Senior Independence Month at Collier Senior Center-Golden Gate and discover an array of offerings empowering you to maintain independent and meaningful lives.

A vibrant, diverse, caring home-away-from-home and safe space where you are welcome, heard and understood, we’re YOUR Collier Senior Center!

Art sessions, fitness classes, birthday/ holiday celebrations, medical services, direct financial assistance, seminars on technology, health, wellness, self-care and stress-management empower every senior to age well.

With 32% of Collier seniors living below the annual Survival Budget Threshold ($26,680/person, $45,564/couple), partnerships with the county and Meals of Hope ensure a daily hot lunch and weekly access to a food pantry for those in need, ensuring you never have to choose between food and medication, or safe housing and a meal.

Our mental health program, UPSLIDE, offers social interaction plus a confidential space to speak with a therapist to face life’s challenges.

But, empowered living is so much more. So is Collier Senior Center.

Lively domino competitions, bingo, Rummy-Q tournaments, field trips with community partners and other enriching activities create a sense of belonging for you and our 1,800 members.

We’re a hub of vitality, connection and care. A place to socialize, engage in meaningful activities and receive essential services that enhance your life.

Join Collier Senior Center-Golden Gate to celebrate YOUR independence this February! We’re here to welcome you Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 4898 Coronado Parkway, Naples. Online at CollierSeniorCenter.org.

Esther Lully, MSML, Senior Center director, Collier Senior Center-Golden Gate

MoreLetters to the Editor, Jan. 19

AndLetters to the Editor, Jan. 16, 2024

AlsoLetters to the Editor, Dec. 29