Letters to the Editor, Feb. 16, 2024

Marco Eagle
Editorial cartoon

Support Marco Bill of Rights

The first 10 amendments were ratified effective December 15, 1791. The Bill of Rights was permanently placed within the Constitution to be a constant reminder to the people to control the limited power of their federal government. Our inherent rights are given to us not by government but by our creator. Our elected officials have a first priority and that is to protect the rights of the citizens. Elected officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution. This ordinance will underscore this oath for the existing councilors and future councilors to come.

With the passage of this ordinance, we are saying NO to unconstitutional federal government rules, dictates, mandates and federal government overreach. Our compliance to tyranny becomes our acceptance. We have a constitutional duty to oppose unconstitutional acts by our federal government. Passage makes Marco Island a sanctuary for our Bill of Rights! We are saying loud and clear, we will not give up our rights!

We do not have to think very hard to recount all of the unconstitutional acts of the past four years. We must protect our inherent rights. This is something all America loving, constitutional supporting, freedom embracing citizens of Marco Island can and will support. How many soldiers have gone to war and died to preserve our Constitution? Our children are counting on us to give them the same freedom we have enjoyed for decades. It is our turn to stand up.

Scott Kiley, Marco Island

All this is against  the current back drop

Our family and extended families religion is and always has been Christianity. However, one of our four grandsons who is a senior in high school, has developed a mutual ongoing close relationship with a girl who is Jewish.

My wife and I as well as our son and wife have met her and our impression of her is very positive. Since they are both so young whether or not their relationship will stand the test of time and the different religions is anyone’s guess. We will see.

All this is against  the current back drop of antisemitism which seems so pervasive these days. As for my wife and I, we point with pride to my grandson and his gal.

And continue wishing them the very best.

John Mallen, Marco Island

Heroic Merchant Mariners of WW II

Most are surprised how young the Merchant Mariners of WW II were. The other services rejected the underaged, the Merchant Marines, without a draft, weren’t picky. A 95-year-old recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal bestowed upon these mariners in 2022 was 15 when he shipped. It is hard to envision 15-year-olds trading shells with UBoats, Kamikazes or dive bombers. Harder still that some survived sinkings by swimming through burning oil or freezing water only to be machine gunned by U-Boats.

Because of mariner losses, the cadets of the Merchant Marine Academy, not graduates, but teenage cadets, went in harm’s way aboard the ships. 142 were killed in action. Hence the Merchant Marine Academy is the only one of the service academies authorized to fly a “Battle Flag” with its colors. 19-year-old Cadet Edwin O’Hara is depicted in a famous painting, his ship being attacked by two Nazi surface raiders. A shell killed the gun crew of their 4-inch gun, whereupon Cadet O’Hara, alone, with his ship sinking under him, manned the gun and shelled a surface raider, sinking it. O’Hara went down with the ship.

These Merchant Marine teenagers that fought, and died, for the freedoms we enjoy are among those that the American Legion will not acknowledge in their veterans events.

A 101-year-old Merchant Marine veteran: “say to them what we did; urge them to read about us and find out about us. We gave up our yesterdays for your better tomorrow.”

Capt. Ralph Rohena, Marco Island

Just say or imply that I'm stupid

I'm an easygoing guy. It takes a lot to make me mad. If, however, your intention is to make my blood boil, it's easy. Just say or imply that I'm stupid, and you'll get the reaction you're looking for. And I don't think I'm unusual in that respect. I think many, if not most, people feel the same way. They don't like it when someone insults their intelligence.And this has me thinking about some ardent, stubborn Trump supporters. The man continually all but says that he's counting on their stupidity. I don't think they're stupid, but he clearly does. He tells them that a porous southern border threatens their way of life and then works to defeat the most comprehensive and restrictive border security bill proposed in decades. And he appears to believe that they won't notice the contradiction. I think they will, but he doesn't. He continues to imply that some of the most faithful members of his base are stupid. I can't speak for them, but that would make me mad.

Geremy Spampinato, Naples

MoreLetters to the Editor, Feb. 6, 2024

AndLetters to the Editor, Jan. 19

AlsoLetters to the Editor, Jan. 16, 2024