Letters to the Editor, April 19

Marco Eagle
Editorial cartoon

Vietnam vets statue

First let me state that the U.S. Vietnam Armed Services have been maligned while on active duty by the hippies and especially Hanoi Jane and even after the war was over. It was not their choice to go to war; they were following the orders of the political administration in office at that time.

American Legion Post 404 had the Vietnam Memorial Wall here on Marco Island three times that was viewed by thousands of people on the island and off the island with no problem with the city administration at that time.

Having stated that I would like to address what the American Legion Post 404 has been working on a Vietnam statue to be placed on the veterans portion of Veterans' Park for the past couple of years. Based on the information I received I am having difficulty understanding as to why the city had several hurdles for them to jump over to get this Vietnam statue made and placed in the veterans portion of the park. This statue is to honor those Vietnam veterans and will be an attraction for those who live here and visit here.

Hence, I am encouraging city management and City Council to approve this project based on the final hurdle that has been met for all to see.

Amadeo Petricca, Marco Island

Change the legislators

I’m afraid that even if voters approve the abortion amendment the Legislature will connive to prevent its enactment. We really need to change the legislators.

Ro Jones, Isles of Capri

Point with pride

Our family and extended families religion is and always has been Christianity. However, one of our four grandsons who is a senior in high school, has developed a mutual ongoing close relationship with a girl who is Jewish.

My wife and I as well as our son and wife have met her and our impression of her is very positive. Since they are both so young whether or not their relationship will stand the test of time and the different religions is anyone’s guess. We will see.

All this is against  the current back drop of antisemitism which seems so pervasive these days. As for my wife and I, we point with pride to my grandson and his gal.

And continue wishing them the very best.

John Mallen, Marco Island

Heat law unconscionable

On April 11, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law the extremist HB 433 that will endanger the health and lives of thousands of outdoor workers in Florida.The summer months in Florida bring scorching temperatures and high humidity levels, posing serious health risks for outdoor workers. Furthermore, the absence of mandated water breaks exacerbates the situation, as dehydration can set in rapidly under intense heat, leading to serious health complications and even fatalities.Despite these hazardous conditions, this law would keep local government from enacting legislation to ensure that employers implement adequate measures to protect their employees from heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke.It is unconscionable that in a state like Florida, where extreme heat is a common occurrence, there can be no laws in place to safeguard the well-being of workers who are exposed to these conditions. Every worker has the right to a safe and healthy work environment, and it’s disheartening that the Florida legislators would pass such a bill. It’s even more distressing that the governor would approve it.Farm and construction workers are not disposable or collateral damage. No one should have to risk their health and safety in order to earn a living. It is the responsibility of our lawmakers to enact policies that prioritize the well-being of all workers.

Jane Schlechtweg, chair, Collier County Democratic Party

It’s a no-brainer

With the Middle East a tinderbox like the Balkans precipitating the outbreak of World War I, voters in this country have a clear choice of whom they want at the helm between the two major presidential candidates:  the incumbent, an elderly sagacious moderate man with years of experience on the international stage and good relationships with America’s allies who respects the national security experts; or the challenger, a nearly as old   tempestuous egomaniac who boasts of not reading briefing data, denigrates national security personnel, and whose chief attributes seem to be firing aides and staffers, threatening allies, and insulting people.

Or, they could opt for a third choice, a man with a famous surname and well-regarded lineage who is pre-occupied with opposing vaccinations and flirting with fringe conspiracy theories.

The choice couldn’t be easier; like the challenger, it’s a no-brainer.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

MoreYour Turn: Habitat protection needed for Marco’s endangered gopher tortoises

AndLetters to the Editor, April 9

AlsoLetters to the Editor, March 12